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Protect Your Home From Burglaries: 3 Home Security Features To Have

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How long does it take for a burglar to rob your home? Most burglars can break into your home within 60 seconds and rob you of your prized possessions within 10 minutes — that's probably less time than how long it takes to read this entire article. Investing in a quality home security system is key in deterring criminal activity. Home security systems offer various features. Here are 3 things that you want to look for when installing a home security system.

Don't Hesitate to Get an Audible Alarm

A home security alarm system that is loud and proud when intruders force their way into your home is a great deterrent, as it immediately notifies everyone in close proximity of your house to pay attention to what is happening. With more attention being drawn to them, most burglars are likely to flee the scene of the crime. In addition, there is a higher likelihood that those who are alerted to the crime will identify the criminals. At the very least, someone may notice some unique features that can help authorities apprehend the criminals in the future.

Audible alarm systems have been credited for 74% of all uncompleted burglaries. In addition to notifying those nearby, these home security alarm systems will also notify the proper authorities if the alarm is not disarmed within a certain period of time. 

Detect Possible Criminal Activity with Motion Sensors that Turn On Lights or Surveillance Cameras

Most burglars do not break in from the front, but will approach the door to knock or ring the doorbell in order to determine whether anyone is at home. Install motion sensors at all sides of the home that will trigger lights being turned on. This is especially important if there are entrances in conspicuous areas of the home that can be hard to keep an eye on. Bright lights are a particularly good deterrent because they make the criminals visible — even during cloudy days or at night, and will draw other people's attention to the area.

Surveillance cameras that are triggered by motion sensors can also be quite beneficial, as they may record the break in and the culprit's face. You will have evidence necessary for taking legal action, especially if you can identify who the culprit is. It's basically equivalent to catching the burglar red-handed. Make sure that these motion sensors, lights and surveillance cameras are not only installed at the front, but also at the back of the house for optimal effectiveness.

Identify Possible Heat Sources of Intruders

Did you know that 40% of all break-ins happen without the need for using force? That's because many homeowners forget to close and lock their windows when they leave the house. Some home security alarm systems will identify and register heat sources within the house after the alarm has been set to determine whether an intruder may have entered through other entrances — such as via an opened window or a balcony door that do not trigger an audible alarm.

Homeowners with pets can register the size of their pet in the home security alarm system, so that it does not trigger an alarm. Keep in mind that this will only work if you have a small pet. Obviously, registering the heat source of large pets that emit a heat source similar to an adult is counterintuitive. 


Your home is your haven. There is nothing as unnerving as going home only to find that you have been robbed when you were out. Invest in a quality home security alarm system, and you will be able to effectively deter burglaries and protect your assets from getting stolen. It is definitely worth investing time and money into.
